Monday, May 4, 2009

Random Five

  1. The Internet is awash with how amazing last week's American Idol was. Seriously, I was underwhelmed. It was a solid B, I think. The vocals were great, but I was bored. Someone (Adam) needs to go completely bonkers (Adam) for me to grade this show an A anymore (Adam).

  2. I basically forced my coworker to read The Hunger Games. I kept telling her all about it as I was reading it, and she kept saying it sounded too disturbing for her. And now she can't put it down. (Cue rabid, evil laughter here.) It's really fun to watch her progress through the book. Right now she hopes "Peeta isn't playing Katniss." Oh, if only she knew.

  3. I am currently reading two nonfiction books from wildly different scenes: Beyond Heaving Bosoms and The Unlikely Disciple. Completely different books, yet because both are nonfiction the critical thinker inside of me has been awoken with a vengeance. I'm running out of Post-Its!

  4. First week into Middlemay, and I'm already a failure.

  5. Normally I would say that I like bad movies, okay? But Bride Wars really tested that statement. The characters weren't deliciously evil, they were just evil. It wasn't even FUN. Oh, Anne Hathaway, what have you done?!

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