Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I heart the crazy.

I am obsessed--obsessed, I tell you!--with this story. (Mostly because crazy people make me so, so happy.)

Five reasons why:
  1. Just reading the comparisons of passages from the two books in Ms. Scott's letter shows how effing crazy this girl-woman is. These passages are basic crap that any writer who writes low-level romances including a pregnancy would write. I swear I've read about half of the lines quoted in this lawsuit in every single Harlequin Presents secret-baby romance. (Please don't complain to me, romance fans. I know there are good romances, okay?) These examples in particular made me laugh out loud:

    From The Nocturn:
    She pulled up her blouse, just to her stomach, and did her best to look down at it. "Do I look any different yet?"
    From Breaking Dawn:
    I yanked the blue fabric out of the way and stared at my stomach.
    Yes, yes. These two characters are the only pregnant women in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD and WRITTEN FICTION to have ever lifted their shirts to look at their bellies. What a fucking rip-off!

  2. Jordan Scott, the suer, went to Harvard to study psychology at the tender age of 17. Woot, congratulations! But then, in a stroke of OBVIOUS genius, she transferred to UCLA to study film. Now, for the sake of argument, let's say you're smart enough to get into Harvard (or rich enough, for you conspiracy theorists) to study psychology, but then you have a change of heart and want to go off and study acting and film and all that other sort of stuff that will make you famous. Why are you transferring to UCLA instead of going to Yale Drama? If you're Ivy League smart, why aren't you transferring to Meryl's alma mater to put in the work and train to be at the top of your craft? Makes. No. Sense. Well, actually number 3 is going to answer that for you.

  3. One of Ms. Scott's quotes from her IMDB page: "The path to immortality? I think it's in the entertainment industry." She wants to be famous! And now she is! And not for being an uncredited extra in Max Keeble's Big Move, either--for being a complete famewhore who instigates completely unwarranted lawsuits. Awesome.

  4. Ms. Scott's book is published by Griffon Publishing. I have no idea who this company is. This is the only Griffon Publishing company I found. I don't understand. Is The Nocturne not only the original Breaking Dawn, but also a role-playing game? Is Jordan Scott going to sue Pokemon next?! Bizarre.

  5. And last, but certainly not least, I give you Ms. Scott's biography as it is on her personal website:

    As a musician and singer, I have worked in the entertainment industry since I can remember, but I became serious about my writing when I graduated high school at age 14.

    When I was 15 I began writing The Nocturne Trilogy, after I took some time away from writing music and working in film and television. I wanted to write a character-driven story with characters who seem to "live and breathe" on the pages. I wrote The Nocturne with the intent of bringing readers into a completely new world of the fantasy and romance genres. And now I have completed it, after more than three years of intense research, character development, writing, rewriting, editing, and writing a little more! I hope you guys enjoy it.

    I commenced studies in a Harvard University Psychology program when I was 17, after which I wanted to major in Film and Theater, and transferred to UCLA. So these days I divide my time between music, college, and writing.

    I have an award winning script, and three other scripts in various stages. Wow

    I love school, writing, music, and of course Boys.

Does anyone else get the vibe that this girl was totally up for the role of Jenny Humphrey on Gossip Girl and lost? Anyone?

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