Thursday, May 7, 2009

Five Reasons I'm Angry

So I read about all this "new" Twilight stuff that's being released, and it unleashed an angry rant monster in me.

Don't misunderstand me, I liked the movie. Mostly because I drink the RPattz kool-aid every chance I get.

  1. She sold 16% OF ALL BOOKS SOLD last quarter. To add additional NON-CONTENT books to this list of saleable items is ridiculous and obvious.

  2. Why isn't Little, Brown channeling all that profit from the 16% OF ALL BOOKS that Meyer sold and channeling it into the next big thing? (While I'd prefer they spread the wealth to new and innovative voices, I'm aware this is a profit-driven business and that's not a realistic goal.) And while they're at it, maybe they can make sure the next big thing is well-written and readable. K, thanks.

  3. This is almost (ALMOST!) as big of a money grab as the fourth book in the series. Meyer signed an original contract for THREE books at a fixed advance. Then all of a sudden, oh! It's a four-book series! Let me tell you what, it's not. It's barely a one-book series. You need conflict to make something interesting. Or not, I guess, according to the book sales.

  4. There are so many well-written love stories out there that you don't have to buy BLANK NOTEBOOKS to support. Ask me. I'm happy to provide a recommendation.

  5. I think the anger is passing, and now I'm just sad. Sad that people are throwing hard-earned money away on this shlock. Sad that young girls are idolizing books that demonize their sexuality. (Sorry, it's true.) Sad that young girls think "this is love." Sigh.

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