Thursday, June 25, 2009

My movie-reviewing-powerhouse boyfriend

I tend to have a really soft spot for Roger Ebert in general, but when he goes ballistic on a film, as he does in his review of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, he becomes something else entirely.

My favorite person in the whole entire world--real or imagined, famous or regular, hot or not.

Seriously, if I had a binder or a notebook at this moment, it would probably read "CT [heart] RE."

(Though, when you think about, haven't blogs just become the binders or notebooks of the post-high school world? Everywhere you turn, someone hearts something. Right?)

Anyway, I grew up in Chicago, and for the longest time I didn't even realize that other movie critics existed outside of the Siskel and Ebert sphere. Can you blame me? Their opinions on movies were in my newspapers, on my radio, on my TV, in my dreams. And then there was that brief period of time (a WHOLE ENTIRE summer, I believe) that my career goal was to become a film director, and I spent all my free time devouring Mr. Ebert's opinions on anything and everything. (For reference, film director came after historian but before first female Major League hitting coach in the chronology of CT's career dreams. I'm very well-rounded.)

Take this line from his recent review of The Proposal:
No movie begins with scenes of a man and a woman who are utterly incompatible unless it ends with them in love, unless perhaps it might be one about Hitler and Eleanor Roosevelt.

I love Roger Ebert with the power of a million setting suns.

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