Sunday, May 10, 2009

Star Trek

Saturday afternoon, Mr. H and I decided to go ahead and take in the cinematic masterpiece of the century. But when we got there, we were too late for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, so we had to see Star Trek instead.

I kid.

Be aware that this is a bit spoilery. So, read at your own risk.
  1. Now, originally I was in the "Shatner iz teh hottest Kirk EVA" camp. But then I saw the movie, and I gotta say that Chris Pine really has Shatner's devil-may-care sexiness that I adore. He even sprawled in the captain's chair like Shatner. He is really, really hawt. So I was conflicted on the Shatner/Pine question. But then! Then I saw some random papparazzi photos of Chris Pine, and I'm totally not into it. Which led me to the obvious conclusion:

    I love Captain James T. Kirk.

    You see, it's not the actors. It doesn't matter who's playing him. I just love his sexy, take-charge nature. So there you have it. I am in love with a fictional character.

    (And it's not the first time, either.)

  2. So, of course, J.J. Abrams tested the above point by having this little kid have a rad car chase with a robot police officer. (Is the word rad still allowed in 2009?) And, of course, I found this kid intriguing in a creepy way. Because he was Kirk. Sigh.

    Anyway, the car chase set off the mechanical engineer in Mr. H like WHOA. "First of all, how is that car even running? And where are they getting gas and oil to put it in it? It's like 300 years old! Even if they were taking care of it, they would've needed replacement parts, and where are they getting replacement parts for something built 300 years ago?"

    I don't know. Aliens?

  3. The initial problem I had with the reboot was the realization that Kirk and Spock, one of the most amazing bromances of our time, was not in play for 3/4 of the movie.

    I have a bromance problem. Let's explore it another time.

    So every time Spock and Kirk got into it, I would turn to Mr. H and say, "But when are they going to fall in love?!?!"

    If only you could have seen the daggers.

    But the point is that no, this Star Trek does not have the great Kirk and Spock love we all know existed. (KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!) Which is pretty ingenious, because instead we're going to get to watch Chris Pine/Kirk and Zachary Quinto/Spock explore that relationship in the future films. Which, as an ardent supporter of any and all really awesome bromance, I am completely interested in

    And it works, because Kirk and Spock fell into bromance on the small screen. To be honest, I never really watched the television show; so by the time the films rolled around for me, Kirk/Spock (Spirk? Kock? Obviously, it's Kock.) was a given. I'm really excited to see the Kock bromance evolve.

  4. Let me preface this by saying that I'm Shatner's biggest fan. Seriously. I love him. I own his albums, and I actually listen when they come up on shuffle. You have no idea how attractive I find him, even in his toupee-wearing, Santa-faced days. (AKA today.)

    I know there was a big hullaballoo on the Internet last year about how the entire world was going to implode because Shatner wasn't involved in the reboot! After seeing the movie, I can safely say I'm totally cool with his noninvolvement. It would not have worked in the story. Period. The end.

  5. It's pretty clever how they've created this alternate reality for the new cast to exist in. Clever in that they're going to get lots of sequels and lots of money. And therefore lots more chances for Chris Pine to hang out in his boxer briefs.

    Which I am totally on board with.

    That said, does anyone else find time travel utterly confusing? I mean, even when it's a fairly simple concept (like in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), I have the HARDEST time figuring it out. Which is why I stopped watching Lost like eighteen seasons ago.

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