Monday, April 27, 2009

Quantum of Solace

Oh weekend, you are so great for watching things and reading things and drinking things. Thanks for that. Harklerad and I watched Quantum of Solace on Friday. Yes, I know my movie choices of late are rather dated, but in this instance I'm glad I waited.
  1. Okay, actually at the beginning of the movie I thought, "Why did I wait so long?!" Daniel Craig wears suits (tuxes, sweaters, trousers, underwear, whatever) very, very well.
  2. I don't want to buy into the whole "bromance" phenomenon, but I do find myself enjoying male-male relationships more and more these days (cough, ChuckandNate, cough, CappieandEvan, cough.) Of course, I'm a sponge and more susceptible to these pop culture trends than I wish I was, but I giggled a bit when Felix the American CIA agent was all pouty over the thought of killing Bond. And then Felix, of course, gave Bond critical information and basically a head start that saved his life. So Felix and Bond lurve each other. I hope their love affair continues in the next, new Bond movie. Actually the next, new Bond movie should totally focus on the bromance between Felix and Bond.
  3. So Camille's backstory is that she used to be Bolivian Secret Service. Camillie is your classic TSTL (too stupid to live) heroine. We're told (or we assume) that she's a kick-ass female because she was a member of the frigging Bolivian Secret Service. This would be much easier to believe if she hadn't "helped" alert Bond to approaching aircraft by saying, "They're coming fast!" Um, from which direction? How many? Helpful! Also, she shivers in a cave they've fallen in rather then look for an escape. So finally, her moment comes and she kicks the bad guy who killed her family's (have you ever noticed that all bad guys have killed SOMEONE'S family?!) ass and kills him--then she cowers in a corner while the compound she's in is engulfed in flames. WTF? Seriously, TSTL. Case closed.
  4. Remember that time you first saw Daniel Craig and you were all, "He's okay, I guess. A little goofy looking, maybe."? Yeah, Daniel Craig is hot. REALLY hot.
  5. So, what does the title have to do with anything?

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