Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mamma Mia!

I finally got around to watching Mamma Mia! I had actually totally planned on watching it on the plane to Paris last month, but I slept and read a not-so-great book on the way there. It's probably best, as I would have disturbed tons of people with my inappropriate bursts of laughter. Not that the film is especially comedic, but those scene cuts sure are.
  1. In what decade is this supposed to take place? I mean, Pierce was a hippie, Colin was a headbanger, Meryl was in a 70s (judging by the costumes her group wore) girl group--ALL AT THE SAME POINT IN HISTORY. And then, in the present day, Amanda is wandering around in very 80s-esque shorts, plus the editing (oh, the film editing) is like watching early 90s pop-rock music videos. So color me confused.
  2. This was produced by Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks, who have become quite the uber-producers. Remember the little-movie-that-could, My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Are they making a new career of producing surprise hits? That could be fun.
  3. The supporting cast (minus Pierce Brosnan, but plus his chest hair) is amazing. Julie Walters is a hoot; Stellan SkarsgÄrd is creepy and looks stoned and is basically pretty much everything you expect Stellan to be; and Christine Baranski was basically likable, diva self.
  4. Amanda Seyfried is awesome. She is flawlessly beautiful, and I love that I know now she can do fluff along with the heavy lifting on Big Love. (Are y'all watching Big Love? Amanda is...well, there are no words. Or if there are, I just don't have them.)
  5. This movie looks like it was the most fun movie to make ever in the history of cinema, except for maybe the Clooney-era Oceans films.

1 comment:

  1. must... suspend disbelief and... dance!

    i think pierce is AWESOME because everytime he opens his mouth to sing, he gets this expression like he's thinking, "i can't believe i'm about to do this... oh well, here i go!" and you can't help but laugh at him joyously.

    yeah, i've seen this movie like 8000 times. 3 in theaters.
